Clearing Membership
All clearing members of Nodal Clear must successfully complete Nodal Clear’s application for clearing membership. Participants on exchanges for which Nodal Clear provides clearing services must either be a direct clearing member of Nodal Clear or must form a clearing relationship with a Nodal Clear clearing member that has been approved as an FCM clearing member. Click here for a list of clearing members.
Nodal Clear invites interested entities to apply to become clearing members. Entities who wish to clear trades for customers must be registered as a futures commission merchant (FCM) with the CFTC. Prospective clearing member firms also need to apply for and execute the appropriate exchange documentation. For additional information on the clearing membership application process or to request an application, please contact Clearing Services.
Risk Advisory Committee
The Nodal Clear Risk Advisory Committee includes clearing member representation in order to provide recommendations to the Clearing House and the Risk Management Committee of the Nodal Clear Board upon request. Clearing members with interest in representation on the Risk Advisory Committee can notify Nodal Clear by clicking the link below.